GDPR Compliance


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was enacted by the European Union (EU) on May 25, 2018, to safeguard the privacy rights of its residents. This regulation sets strict guidelines for how personal data of EU citizens and residents is collected, processed, and stored. It applies to any organization that handles EU residents’ personal data or engages in business with them, ensuring they have control over their personal information.

MadvIT Solutions’ Perspective

At MadvIT Solutions, we view GDPR as an opportunity to fortify our data management practices and enhance critical operations. Since our inception in 2000, we have committed to customer success through trust, integrity, reliability, and transparency. We aim to build deeper trust with our clients and partners, promoting accountability and transparency not only in the EU but globally.

Our Commitment to GDPR

MadvIT Solutions is dedicated to adhering to GDPR regulations, feeling both honored and responsible to safeguard your data. We pledge to serve you with the highest standards of transparency and integrity, fundamental to our corporate values. To align with GDPR, we have updated our policies to provide clarity on your privacy and rights.

Please review our updated policy. You can also manage your preferences to maintain complete control over your data. In this era driven by data, MadvIT Solutions prioritizes the security of personal information by ensuring privacy, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. We continuously improve our systems, processes, and strategies to protect our clients’ data without compromise.

Steps to GDPR Compliance

As an ISO-compliant organization, we have implemented rigorous measures to ensure high levels of security and compliance. Our approach to GDPR compliance includes:


  • Conducting training sessions on GDPR awareness
  • Identifying personal data and personally identifiable information (PII) of data subjects
  • Migrating application servers as necessary


  • Implementing Consent Management Mechanisms and addressing all data subjects’ rights
  • Making necessary adjustments to ensure data privacy and protection
  • Updating our privacy policies based on Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA)


  • Launching our GDPR framework
  • Updating customer agreements to ensure GDPR compliance

Continuous Improvement

  • Offering regular training programs
  • Periodically reviewing Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA)
  • Enhancing security measures based on PIA findings
  • Conducting regular analyses of measurable objectives
  • Regularly reviewing and updating our GDPR framework

MadvIT Solutions is committed to ongoing improvements to ensure the highest levels of data protection and privacy for all our clients.